There is nothing quite as simple as the circle skirt – quick and easy to make while so effortlessly stylish. Handmade apparel items can be a tricky sell, as you are often opening yourself to excessive returns simply because the buyer is unable to try the item on before purchase. While most clothing would require a detailed list of dimensions as well as a customer on the other end with a measuring tape and a good grasp on how to measure their body like a tailor would, a circle skirt cuts right to the chase by being able to fit on a small, medium, and large basis.
By using an elastic waistband, you can accommodate a multitude of body types into a limited number of available sizes. Not only does this make it easier for you as the maker, but also easier as the shopper. By offering fewer size options, customers can avoid trying to measure their waist with a piece of string and ruler. I’m sure we have all done this at some time, and usually, it doesn’t turn out quite accurate. This process often leaves the customer with an ill-fitting piece and the maker with an unnecessary return.
So how many ways can you spin a circle skirt? While you are limited to the standard shape, the length, fabric, color, waistband, and any desired details are negotiable. You can make them with pockets, button details, added layers, floppy bows, or even make them reversible. Circle skirts can be fun and youthful, classy and sophisticated, or extra fancy with endless layers of delicate tulle.
If you are having difficulty deciding what styles to make, consider who you are designing for. Take a look at our Define Your Audience worksheet. It’s a completely free download that walks you through the process of identifying your ideal customer. After completing the worksheet, you will have a better idea as to who you design for, making style decisions and fabric choices much easier.
2 yards of stretchy fabric
1” wide or larger elastic (length should be waist measurement)
Sewing machine
Fabric Scissors
Measuring Tape
Tip: Using stretchy fabric eliminates the need for a zipper. While adding a zipper opens up a lot of fabric opportunities, starting off with stretchy materials will make this an easier project and allow for simple sizing.
Tip: You can forgo the elastic and still have a stretchy waistband, though the elastic can help maintain its shape, longevity, and help in fitting multiple sizes.
Tip: For an easy way to figure out how much fabric you will need, check out Mood Fabric’s circle skirt fabric calculator. With just a few clicks you will be given the amount of fabric you need as well as your waist radius measurement. https://www.moodfabrics.com/circleskirt-calculator
Watch the video below for the full tutorial, tips, and tricks for photographing, marketing, and shipping your circle skirts. Stick around until the end for a breakdown of the three P’s- price, profit, and popularity.
Feeling inspired to create, but perhaps looking for a different project? Check out our list of craft tutorials for some inspiration!